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 Rules of Skills and Transformations

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Rules of Skills and Transformations Empty
PostSubject: Rules of Skills and Transformations   Rules of Skills and Transformations I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2011 4:55 am

Transformations Rules and Regulations

1. No godlike transformations

Everyone can die so no one can be immortal,
there is a chance you've got a Strong (Existing) mutation/virus then u can always get killed by a rocket launcher or Explosives.

2. Description

Please describe exactly what you mean with as much detail as possible. The more description you have the more likely it is that your transformation will be approved.

3. Template

Always use the template, it makes approving transformations so much easier for Admins or Mods and much easier to understand than paragraphs of writing. If you do not use the template your transformation will not approved no matter how good it is.

4. Ganado

You must be a Ganado to have a transformation, for the obvious reason that human cannot just transform.

Transformation Template

Name: (What do you call it?)

Skill Points: (How many Skill Points are required for you to transform?)

Requirements: (Any special requirements to use the transformation?)

Duration: (How long does it last? What ends it?)

Drawbacks: (Poor side effects of taking this transformation?)

Advantages: (Benefits from taking this transformation?)

Special Abilty: (Does this transformation have any special abilities? Can it do anything others can't)

Description: (What happens to your character physically when you go into the transformation?)

History: (Tell the back story of the transofrmation. How did you acquire it?)

Image: (If you have an Image, put it here)

Transformation requirements

All Members will only be allowed to have a maximum of 3 transformations. You will only be allowed to make trasformations when you meet the following requirements:

1 transformations: You need 50 posts

2 transformations: You need 100 posts

3 transformation: You need 200 posts.

Skill Point Requirements:

0+ posts: 20 SP
50+ posts: 30 SP
100+ posts: 40 SP
200+ posts: 50 SP
300+ posts: 60 SP
450+ posts: 70 SP
600+ posts: 80 SP
800+ posts: 90 SP
1000+ posts: 100 SP
1300+ posts: 110 SP
1600+ posts: 120 SP
2000+ posts: 130 SP
2400+ posts: 140 SP
2800+ posts: 150 SP
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