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 Making a Character

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-07-03
Age : 37
Location : Unknown

Making a Character Empty
PostSubject: Making a Character   Making a Character I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2011 5:05 am

1. No Godlike characters

You can't create a character that has some sort of special ability that makes them invincible or in any way Godlike.

2. Description

Please describe exactly what you mean with as much detail as possible. The more description you have the more likely it is that your character will be approved.

3. Other Game/Film Characters

You can not create a character from a different game or film.

Copy and paste this and then fill in on a new topic:

Name: (What is your characters name?)

Age: (How old is your character?)

Race: (What is it? A human or a Ganado?)

Gender: (Is he/she male or female?)

Place: (Where does your character live?)

Appearence: (What does your character look like?)

Personality: (How does your character act?)

Fighting Style: (How does your character like to fight?)do

Special ability: (Does your character have a special ability? Can they do some thing others can't)

Weaknesses: (What is your character bad or poor at?)

Pictures: (Maybe you have a picture made by yourself of your character?)
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