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 Story of R. Wesker

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Join date : 2011-07-03
Age : 37
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PostSubject: Story of R. Wesker   Story of R. Wesker I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2011 7:58 pm

In the year 2006 just before Ozwell E. Spencer got killed, he made Remco the fourteenth wesker of the wesker project. Spencer gave him the last sample of the prototype/experimental virus but Remco never used it..

a few days later he heared Spencer got killed by another wesker child named: Albert Wesker .
Remco still had the sample and always kept it safe. He didn't want to use it because he thought he couldn't controll it and would get a painfull death just like the other wesker children..

He travelled around the world trying to survive and found a lot of survivers and helped them,
Remco knew he couldn't stay for ever because he would bring them in trouble if he did..

in the year 2008 Remco was fighting against monsters and zombies alone, he could survive but then there happened something Remco didn't expect..
He saw his parents, his real parents.. but they weren't human anymore.. they were zombies too.
Remco had to kill them or else they would probably kill him, Remco felt weak he couldn't do anything.
but then he grabbed his magnum and shot them in the head.. He felt terrible, he travelled and travelled and finally found a place to hid. but the other day the monsters found him, and he was surrounded by Tyrants,Lickers and Cerberusses and many others, now he had 2 choices:
1 He could just die and say goodbye to this cruel world but remco didn't want to die so he chose for the second option.. he grabbed the prototype virus out of his pocket and injected himself.. He did get a lot of pain but he did controll it, His speed was faster then ever and he used that to get away.
and now he is trying to survive the world and his own body..

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Join date : 2012-05-31

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PostSubject: Advantages Of High School Diploma   Story of R. Wesker I_icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 7:06 pm

You must be wondering that what you have to do to acquire an Online GED Diploma or a High School Diploma online, then I must suggest you to follow the below mentioned steps and your problem will surely be solved.

1. Search for the providers:
In the very first step you need to search for the institutes and organizations that provide the high school diploma online. You can take help of internet and with the help of which you can easily find out the institutes that provide the online GED Diploma.

2. Check the course and study material:
As soon as you find some good colleges, go to their official website and check for the syllabus, fee structure, exams schedules and other information provided there. Now you need to compare the course, fee and other things with the other institutes that provide online GED diploma or high school diploma online. By doing this you will surely get the best institute to have an online GED Diploma.

3. Register yourself at the institute's website:
As soon as you finalize the institute from which you would like to have your online GED Diploma, you ought to register yourself online at the website of the institute. They must be having an option of online registration at their website. You need to pay the fee online and have to submit the details that it is asking for your registration. As soon as you register for the high school diploma online, you will instantly get the access to their online library and course material. Apart of it you will also get an identity card for you. Even you can give your examination online with these types of courses.

The high school diploma online and Online GED Diploma is supposed to be the best way for someone to get the diploma easily. With the help of high school diploma online, one can does study just by wearing the home sleepers and having a mug of coffee in his hand. So what are you looking for now, just switch on your system and start searching for the institutes that provide high school diploma online.
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