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 Doing Online High School Diploma

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Join date : 2012-05-31

Doing Online High School Diploma Empty
PostSubject: Doing Online High School Diploma   Doing Online High School Diploma I_icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 7:04 pm

Stanley High School has years of online learning experience and takes pride in providing quality education to all diploma holders of Stanley High School from all across the globe. Stanley High School provides the perfect medium to earn an accredited high school diploma for students who were not able to continue with their education, home-school students or working adults.

Why choose Stanley High School?

1. Earn a High School Diploma: Customize your educational plans and earn a diploma using 21st century technology.
2. Schedule with Flexibility: Complete courses at your own pace and at times that best fit their daily schedules.
3. Recover Credit: Earn credits to get back on track for graduation within your own school district. Enrollment is not dependent upon traditional school calendars, so courses can be started at any time during the year.
4. Apply Home School Credits: You can enroll in SHS and transfer credits earned through home school study to our diploma program.
5. Prior to credits being awarded, courses must be submitted for review and approval.
6. Select from Advanced or Remedial Courses: Choose courses that meet your academic needs and support your learning style.

High School Diploma Online
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