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 GED vs High School Diploma

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PostSubject: GED vs High School Diploma   GED vs High School Diploma I_icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2012 7:07 pm

High School Diploma

High School Diplomas are generally considered more desirable for one entering the work force or hoping to pursue a higher education. notes that employees with diplomas generally earn significantly more than those without. Students who hope to advance may be required to pursue additional training. Similarly, most students admitted to college have earned their high school diploma, although this does not guarantee acceptance. Coursework, grade point average and extracurricular activities will be important factors during the admissions process.


Only students who are neither enrolled in nor have completed high school are permitted to take the GED exams. One must also be over the age of 18 and meet other state requirements. The GED certificate is awarded to anyone who passes a series of tests in five academic subjects, scoring higher than 60% of a sample set of graduating seniors. Because one will be tested on a few years worth of knowledge in just one short day, students often spend a great deal of time studying. Many need to take preparation courses, but no courses of any sort are mandatory.

As mentioned above, the GED is often considered less desirable for those hoping to attend college. notes that while the majority of employers hiring for entry-level positions consider GED certificates as comparable to actual diplomas, some may consider the GED to be inferior. If a student continues on to college, however, one typically does not consider which one has earned. On this note, most community colleges admit students who have earned a GED, but individual universities set their own policies. Some do not view GEDs as equivalent to Diplomas, particularly if these colleges require specialized courses of study for admission.

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